Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving and Surprises!

Lauren's new carseat cover!
  As we approached Thanksgiving we just planned to go to my parents' house and do the normal "eat turkey, etc... until we're stuffed." Well, the Saturday before that Jared's mom surprised us by coming down to visit for Thanksgiving. We totally weren't expecting that and were pleasantly surprised. We have had a great time and she has really helped me get some things ready for when Lauren comes. We finished her blanket and made a carseat cover. They turned out really well! We're working today to make a couple nursing covers. It's so much fun! The day before Thanksgiving we baked and baked and baked. We made so many goodies and Thanksgiving day was a blast!

   BLACK FRIDAY! Jared and I really enjoy going out on black friday just to see what we can find and to watch all the craziness. This year we really didn't have an agenda. We don't have a lot of money to "play with" so
we just used it as a time to go on a date (from 9:30pm Thanksgiving night until 4:00 am the next morning) :). Jared's mom graciously stayed home to watch the buddies so we could go out. We only got a couple things (flip flops being one of them because my prego feet were super hot!). The crowds sure were crazy! We always end up our time on Black Friday by going to IHOP and getting breakfast. We did the same this year but as we sat and waited for our food I noticed one of the waiters was touching people's food before carrying it out. Ugh! I was NOT impressed! I brought it to the attention of the manager but she "assured" me that they wash their hands alot. I don't really care...I just care that I watched him touch the pancake and then the bottle for chocolate syrup and then the bottle for whipped cream and then take it and serve it to the people who had ordered it. I just was grossed out. Needless to say, next black friday we will find a different IHOP to go to. :)

   The buddies are really starting to pick up on more things these days. It is so much fun to watch how their vocabulary is literally exploding. Grant copies a lot of what we say now and it's surprising sometimes. Grant was also acting very clingy to daddy since he has been home from work for the Thanksgiving holiday. Since he seemed so clingy Sunday night we decided to keep him and Kara in the service with us at church. Amazingly, they sat through the whole service and didn't make very much noise at all! Maybe this is a start to something new for them. I sure hope so! I would love it!

  We decorated for Christmas on Friday and Saturday (after Thanksgiving) and when Jared put out his little tiny Christmas tree and plugged it in so the lights were shinning bright, Grant was so excited! They are getting the idea that that tree and our big Christmas tree and the other lights around the house are to be looked at and enjoyed but not to be touched. I am pretty proud of how well they are catching on! :) The house looks lovely and we definitely have the spirit of Christmas here! :) We also set up the manger scene that we used to use when I was growing up. We got that from my parents last year and I love seeing it in my house now! I can't wait til the buddies understand and can put it together and arrange all the figurines by themselves. The best Christmas present will be when they come to know our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior!!

  I am 34 weeks pregnant (tomorrow) and getting bigger Bigger BIGGER! A man at church asked me yesterday if I was sure it wasn't twins again this time. THE NERVE! :) Oh well, comes with the territory. I did cry but I'm over it. I am so ready to get back to my pre prego self...all in good time. :) This precious little girl growing inside me is so worth it! I go to the dr. Thursday and then again in two more weeks and then from that point on it will be every week til she is born. It is getting sooo close now! I am ready!
  Well, that is what is going on right now. As we get closer to the BIG EVENT I am sure the excitement around the Hammond house will pick up and I look forward to seeing what the buddies are going to think of their new little sister. :)

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