Friday, November 11, 2011

Eager Anticipation

   Yesterday daddy was at work and the twins were down for  a nap, leaving peace and quiet for this 31 and a half week prego mommy. So, what do you think I did? All that laundry that needs done? Nope...I took a very much needed nap! This little girl is growing by leaps in bounds inside of me and she is wearing me out (not to mention my energetic twins). By the time their nap time rolls around I am so ready to take a nap myself. I took a 2 and a half hour nap! I woke up before the twins woke up and just laid there enjoying the peace and quiet, knowing that before much longer I won't have as much as I am enjoying right now. {it's all worth it} I guess the Lord knew I would need that nap because at 3 am Grant decided to wake up screaming and I was up with him and he ended up sleeping with me. All things for a reason!
   Yesterday we were outside enjoying the beautiful fall weather and Grant came up to me and laid his head on me and gave me the sweetest smile! I love it when he is sweet like that. Something about a boy...steals mommy's heart so fast! I also love it when he comes up to me and says "dye" (for bye)...not so sure I want to die ;) but it is still so cute! Kara decided that I needed to start a leaf collection. She brings me leaves to keep from the grass. They are growing up too fast and I am trying to enjoy the moments before we add the 3rd to the mix.
   Dr. says I am doing well and that he will induce me {if I want him to} at 39 weeks or I can go to 41. He will induce me for sure at 41 because he doesn't want me to go past then. Not sure I really want to be induced again because the contractions are pretty much constant when you're induced. We'll see how it goes though :). On the bright side, no pre eclampsia this time around (so far)! That's a huge praise! My bp has stayed low and I am not even swelling yet! I still have nice ankles and can wear all my shoes. I am also still wearing my wedding band and engagement ring. By this point in my pregnancy with the twins I was about to go into the hospital with bp issues and hadn't been wearing my rings for a couple weeks already! I am so thankful for a good pregnancy this time around!
   We're thinking about trying to switch the twins to toddler beds soon. Not sure if we'll do it but I think now is the time if we are going to try it. Once Lauren is born, we won't want to start something new that takes a lot of consistency and routine.
   Thanksgiving is around the corner and that means "Black Friday" too! Jared and I love to go out just to be out on that day. We don't buy much but we enjoy it like a date. Hopefully we can do that this year. We have a special tradition of going to IHOP after we're done shopping (around 3am). We always look forward to it. This year we will probably shop for diapers, wipes, baby stuff, etc...oh, how life changes once you've got children ;). But I wouldn't change it for anything. We are looking for a new digital camera. Any recommendations would be appreciated! :) Christmas should be interesting with Lauren's due date right around the corner. The adventure will probably begin very soon! I will keep ya'll posted.
I know this post is really random, but this is about what is going on right now as we eagerly anticipate the arrival of our baby girl!

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